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The Egg Whisperer Show

Dec 30, 2021

Recently, Kate sent a question to Ask The Egg Whisperer. She is 37, and has low AMH, and was recently deemed a poor responder during an IVF cycle. Here's what she had to say, "My question is about IVF with poor response and low AMH. I've had four failed IUIs, and two rounds of IVF. The second round gave us three...

Dec 29, 2021

Lindsay recently wrote in to Ask The Egg Whisperer. She is 37. Here's what she wrote, "I have a diagnosis of endometriosis. I have endometriomas on my ovaries, but have not been diagnosed surgically. I've been trying to conceive for two years. First on a natural program and now an IVF. I've had three egg retrievals, one...

Dec 28, 2021

Recently, Corey sent a question to Ask The Egg Whisperer. Here's what she had to say, "My partner's most recent semen analysis was not great at all. As a quick background, January, 2020. Twenty-five million, with fairly low motility. July 2020, 28 million with an even lower motility rate. In the August and October...

Dec 26, 2021

Kate recently wrote in to Ask The Egg Whisperer a question. She is 32, and she has a lot of pain during ovulation. She has one failed round of IVF due to being a poor responder. Here's what she had to say, "Roughly every month, I am in horrible pain around ovulation. Sometimes it hurts so bad to even stand up. It's only...

Dec 25, 2021

Recently, Jamie wrote in to Ask The Egg Whisperer a question. Here's what she had to say, "Hi Dr. Aimee! I just turned 40 in October and had a natural pregnancy that ended in miscarriage in November. I am starting IVF to get pregnant again more quickly due to my age and the length of time it usually takes me to...