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The Egg Whisperer Show

Dec 12, 2019

Have you ever used Google Maps and been redirected midway via a better route? Think about this show as your personalized navigation tool for fertility and IVF, as Dr. Aimee shares the five things you need to know about IVF.

1. Be Clear on Why You’re Considering IVF.

Ask yourself these questions.

  • Why are you doing IVF?
  • What are the fertility factors that are playing a role in your case?
  • Is there something else you can do to improve your chances?

2. Realize Your Relationships May Change

This is something I ask my patients to think about before, during, and after IVF.

3. Develop a Plan for Unused Embryos

When you’re going through IVF this is likely the last thing you want to think or talk about.

When I meet patients I always ask them two questions.

  1. What do you think the problem is on why you’re not getting pregnant?
  2. How many kids do you want?

4. Know That Pregnancy Isn’t Always Easy

When you’ve had a really hard struggle, most of us feel really guilty about complaining about pregnancy. But the reality is that pregnancy isn’t always enjoyable for people. I like to think that all of my patients look gorgeous pregnant, but my patients don’t always feel the same. For that reason, the depression or anxiety that people may have during treatment may carry over into pregnancy. It’s also why I think it’s really important to consider who’s on your team. Who will be your support?

5. Understand that Your Feelings May Linger

The feelings you had when you had a hard time getting pregnant can sometimes continue during pregnancy, after pregnancy, and beyond.

Even if you’ve gone through IVF and it doesn’t work the trauma of the treatment can continue.

If you were successful with your IVF cycle you may still feel pain in your heart when you hear other people announce their pregnancies. Even if it’s a close friend. You can be happy, but you may also carry with you painful memories of how difficult your journey was to get pregnant. This is okay. You can have conflicting emotions and experience them both at once. You are normal. I want you to know that you’re not alone if you’re feeling any of this.

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