Jul 27, 2022
PCOS is one of the most common and most misunderstood conditions
that we treat as reproductive endocrinologists, and this week I'm
delighted to be joined on the podcast by Dr. Lucky Sekhon of RMA of
New York to talk all about it.
PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome, and that name can lead
to some confusion. A lot of people think that they probably have
cysts in their ovaries. The truth is that all women have multiple
cysts (which are really small follicles that house eggs) in their
ovaries. Those with PCOS have follicles that look like what we call
a "string of pearls" on the periphery of their ovaries, and often
have irregular (or no) cycles.
Read the full show notes on Dr. Aimee's website
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Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh is one of America’s most well known fertility doctors. Her success rate at baby-making is what gives future parents hope when all hope is lost. She pioneered the TUSHY Method and BALLS Method to decrease your time to pregnancy. Learn more about the TUSHY Method and find a wealth of fertility resources at www.draimee.org.