Dec 30, 2021
Recently, Kate sent a question to Ask The Egg Whisperer. She is 37, and has low AMH, and was recently deemed a poor responder during an IVF cycle. Here's what she had to say, "My question is about IVF with poor response and low AMH. I've had four failed IUIs, and two rounds of IVF. The second round gave us three eggs, one blast that was normal, but my PGS transfer my FET did not work. My AMH is 0.4 I'm 37 years old.
My question is seeing such poor response, would you go ahead with an egg retrieval or two? And given my low AMH, I feel like I'm running out of time and desperate, but I don't know if we should do egg retrievals with such low numbers. What can I do?"
Tune in to hear my suggestions to Kate's question, and other listener questions.