Feb 6, 2023
Discover all the answers to some of the most common questions you may have about your menstrual cycle, hormones in your menstrual cycle, ovulation, implantation, and the 2ww (two week wait).
If you are trying to get pregnant, you may have heard the term—two week wait, the often nervous time of waiting between ovulation and taking a pregnancy test. For many, this is a dreaded time because it’s hard to know exactly what is happening. But by learning more about your cycle, you can have more knowledge about what might happen.
The implantation window is during the two week wait. Since progesterone is the hormone responsible for supporting implantation, it must be present during the entire implantation window. You can track your progesterone during this window by tracking PdG, progesterone in urine.
Proov has unique testing capabilities to test PdG during the implantation window to confirm successful ovulation.
Studies show PdG levels are incredibly important for implantation and pregnancy success, for example, women with high PdG during the implantation window were 75% more likely to get pregnant. In contrast, women with low PdG had a miscarriage rate of 90%.
You can find more about tracking your implantation
window and PdG at Proov: