Apr 16, 2020
In this episode, Dr. Aimee talks to Dr. Renée Hilliard , an OBGYN and sex, love, and relationship expert.
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Here's Dr. Renée describing her work, in her own words:
"I’ve been practicing gynecology for over 20 years. I’ve had so many patients that have had challenges around sex like not having the pleasure that they want during sex or experiencing pain during sex and not being able to communicate well with their partners. For some, this results in not being able to achieve orgasms. There are also challenges many experiences after menopause like vaginal dryness or pain that affects the quality of sex.
Statistics show that over 20 percent of people are in sexless relationships, but I think the figure is probably closer to 30 percent.
Many people have sex less than once a month and I’m sure you recognize that as well in your practice. I find that during fertility care many people start having issues around intimacy.
When a couple is going through fertility treatment sex can start to feel more like a chore and doesn’t have the pleasure that it once had. (That’s if they ever had a lot of pleasure from sex).
I’ve been able to develop tools that can help patients communicate better with their partners and tune into their bodies. Many are then able to experience pleasure in a more profound way. I’m really proud of couples and individuals that make that kind of progress."