Aug 29, 2020
In this episode, Dr. Aimee answers fertility questions from listeners and fans. Taken from an Instagram Live, she also answers questions real time. If you want to join in the next one, follow her @eggwhisperer on Instagram.
You have a lot of questions about your fertility, how you can preserve it, and what you can...
Aug 27, 2020
You all enjoyed the conversation I had with Dr. Jenna McCarthy yesterday about common IVF mistakes SO much that she’s coming back today on the podcast as part of the Live Q&A series. Jenna is a fellow fertility doctor and IVF specialist.
After our original interview aired, we got a lot of questions and comments from...
Aug 26, 2020
Today on The Egg Whisperer podcast, my dear friend Dr. Jenna McCarthy is joining me to talk all about the most common IVF mistakes. Our intent is to share as much information as we can with you so you’ll go into an IVF cycle aware, empowered and feeling comfortable with what is going on. We want people to avoid these...
Aug 25, 2020
The time to talk about "everything I can possibly do to give myself the best chance of pregnancy success" is BEFORE your embryo transfer. Not after. This is why I discuss tests like the ERA test and Receptivadx test with all my patients before transfer.
Aug 22, 2020
In this episode, Dr. Aimee answers fertility questions from listeners and fans. Taken from an Instagram Live, she also answers questions real time. If you want to join in the next one, follow her @eggwhisperer on Instagram.
You have a lot of questions about your fertility, how you can preserve it, and what you can...