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The Egg Whisperer Show

Aug 31, 2022

On today's Egg Whisperer Show podcast episode, I'm sharing the four things you need to know about PCOS. Too many doctors tell patients that they don't need to worry about managing their PCOS until they are starting a pregnancy (not fertility docs!) This just isn't true. There are tried and true steps that you can take...

Aug 30, 2022

Dr.Aimee interviews the Supervisor from Seattle Sperm Bank! they discuss everything you ever wanted to know about what happens at a sperm bank, and all about how to pick the right sperm donor.

Listen on Dr. Aimee's website

You can find Seattle Sperm Bank here.

Do you have questions about Egg Freezing? Join Dr. Aimee...

Fertility Expert Series: Eric Forman on PGT-A

Aug 28, 2022

PGT-A is a hot topic in fertility medicine and I’m so happy that Dr. Eric Forman joined me to talk to us about a recent Chinese study published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

- this study is getting a lot of attention because of the prestigious journal it’s published in
- the study design...

Aug 27, 2022

Dr. Eric Forman is the medical and lab director at Columbia University Fertility Center where he oversees the medical practice as well as IVF embryology and andrology labs, while also actively seeing patients. He set the standard for eSETs (elective single embryo transfers) across the globe. And, he revolutionized how...

Aug 25, 2022

Today, Dr. Kristin Brogaard is joining me today to talk about the Path Fertility SpermQT test. I’m so excited to have her share about the test, because as you’ll hear her say “lots of infertility goes undiagnosed because men go undiagnosed, and when men go undiagnosed, women go through procedures that will not...