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The Egg Whisperer Show

Oct 31, 2021

Recently, Jess sent a question in to Ask The Egg Whisperer. Here is what she had to say, "I’m 41, have been trying for 7 years to have a baby. My husband is 39 and has tested fine, no issues. We’ve went through two IVF rounds in 2018. My husband and I have tried basically every fertility treatment and have not yet had a baby. I got pregnant out of the blue in 2017 but it ended up being a blighted embryo. I have uterine didelphys (double uterus) with a complete septum and two cervixes.  Based on all the tests over the years, low ovarian reserve seems to be the main issue. I’ve never received a formal diagnosis. It’s always been “unexplained”. Do you have any resources or guidance you can please point me to?"

Tune in to hear my answer, and the answers to other questions from listeners.

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Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh is one of America’s most well known fertility doctors. Her success rate at baby-making is what gives future parents hope when all hope is lost. She pioneered the TUSHY Method and BALLS Method to decrease your time to pregnancy. Learn more about the TUSHY Method and find a wealth of fertility resources at