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The Egg Whisperer Show

May 29, 2023

There are many things that can impact your ability to become pregnant. In today’s episode, I’m reviewing the top 10 things to consider if you are TTC. 
1. Environmental Toxins. Avoid microwaving food and plastic containers or bottles. Always store food and glass or stainless steel containers. Million Marker offers a test to find out if you have in-body toxicity.
2. Chemicals in food and everyday products. Verify that the products you are using are chemical free. You can do that on
3. Being sedentary. The CDC and American College of OBGYN, both recommend exercise in amounts of 150 minutes per week. Avoid over exercising, as low BMI can also cause fertility issues.
4. Food allergies or intolerances. Work with a nutritionist to find out if you have a food allergy or other food intolerance. You may also want to consider working with a specialist if you have PCOS or using to help you manage PCOS if you have it.
5. Blocked Fallopian Tubes. Check with your doctor to find out if this is what may be causing you to have a hard time TTC.
6. THC and Cannabinoids can affect the motility of the fallopian tube and the receptors in the lining of the uterus. This makes embryo implantation harder and it might not happen as quickly as you would want.
7. Nicotine. Nicotine can affect the DNA and the egg in the sperm cells, and it can also affect a woman's fertility such that she could go potentially into menopause earlier.
8. Blaming birth control pills. Many people think that birth control pills "cause" infertility, but the truth is that because they regulate your period they may be masking the indicators of infertility. Make sure you get your hormone levels checked with your doctor every year to confirm your levels. 
9. Ignoring biology. Every woman is born with a finite number of eggs, and if you want to wait to have kids until later in life, be sure and freeze your eggs when you are in your 20s. 
10. Not getting enough sleep. 
Listen on Dr. Aimee's website.
Do you have a diagnosis of "unexplained infertility" and want to get to the bottom of what's going on?
Click here to join Dr. Aimee for The TUSHY Method Class
Dr. Aimee will explain the 5 tests you need to get a diagnosis before treatment. 
The next live class call is on Monday, June 12, 2023 at 4pm PST, where Dr. Aimee will explain IVF and there will be time to ask her your questions live on Zoom.
Looking for the best products to support you while you're TTC?
Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh is one of America’s most well known fertility doctors. Her success rate at baby-making is what gives future parents hope when all hope is lost. She pioneered the TUSHY Method and BALLS Method to decrease your time to pregnancy. Learn more about the TUSHY Method and find a wealth of fertility resources at