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The Egg Whisperer Show

Nov 28, 2019

To read the full show notes for this episode, click or tap here.

The holidays can prove to be challenging for those in fertility treatment. This episode is all about how to care for yourself, and includes loving tips on how family and friends can support someone in fertility treatment, too.

Self-care is anything but...

Nov 22, 2019

To read the full show notes, visit Dr. Aimee's blog by clicking or tapping here.

I get asked questions about IVF daily. From my patients and from those seeking treatment elsewhere in the United States and beyond. While the steps involved in IVF are generally the same, the factors to consider and the patient’s...

Nov 14, 2019

Read the full article, and find out more about PCOS on my site - click or tap here.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that can make it difficult for women to get pregnant. Contrary to its name, having PCOS doesn’t mean your ovaries have cysts, but rather that your ovaries have a high number of follicles...

Nov 7, 2019

Regardless of who you see for fertility care, you deserve the best—personalized treatment.

I realize that not everyone can come to see me, and I won’t be around forever.

This information is a valuable resource as you begin your fertility journey, whoever it is with and whenever it takes place.
